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Helpful Links


  1. Apalachee High School Website

  2. TechCATPortal - class pages for all AHS teachers

  3. AHS Twitter Page - for the latest CHEE Nation updates

  4. AHS Facebook Page - for the latest CHEE Nation updates

  5. USA TestPrep - to prepare for EOCTs and the Georgia High School Graduation Tests using practice tests, assignments, tutorials and games.  Many students already have login names and passwords set-up; students who need login information should go to the Guidance Office.

  6. Khan Academy - lessons about everything!

  7. Quizlet - This website offers a free way for students to create flash cards in order to learn vocabulary. Students can create their own login information, and either start creating their own set of flashcards, or peruse the sets already saved to the website by other users:

  8. 7 Helpful Websites of CCGPS Coordinate Algebra - links suggested by AHS math teachers

  9. AHS Tips if Your Child is Struggling in a Class

  10. Parent Portal Information - create an account to keep up with your child's grades and attendance

  11. MyLunchMoney - pay online for student meals

  12. GACollege411 - all the information you'll need to consider careers, college, and financial aid

  13. Georgia Testing Resources - information and study guides for EOCTs, Graduation Tests and High School Writing Test

  14. Barrow County School System



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